Why do we get upset over a situation while another person isn’t bothered at all?  Who’s reaction is ‘right’ or what is the ‘truth’?  How do we get around our habitual reactions to figure out what is really going on?

Throughout our life we are conditioned to think some things are good and some things are bad. Or that there is a right way and a wrong way to do something.  We may have inherent attractions to certain concepts or ideas but we are also conditioned by our parents, our environment, as well as the culture we are raised in.   In any situation, we ‘see’ what is occurring filtered through own personal perceptions.   An example of this could be if you are currently sensitive around money (perhaps you didn’t have very much growing up), you will probably notice what others have/don’t have….their type of home, where or if they vacation, what designer labels they wear etc…. whereas someone else who doesn’t have issues around money, wouldn’t notice these things in the same way.   This is just one example obviously, but it illustrates how what we see in life is directly impacted by our personal experience.

Sometimes we are so attached to our own ideas that we think what we are experiencing is fact, but in reality it’s not.  There’s a quote I love to repeat; ‘your perception of me is a reflection of you’ that sums this idea up nicely.  Everything we see, we see through the filter of our own perception.   So, how do we try to open our minds to different points of view?     A great way to begin is by working on being more mindful.   When we start to realize we are having a strong opinion on something, begin to question why?    Over time with conscious attention, a pattern will appear.   It is then our job to first allow our thoughts to arise without judging them, but then have a moment afterward to realize that it’s just one way to think.  Not THE way to think.