Uttanasana, or standing forward fold is a wonderful calming pose. Forward bends help to slow everything down. They lower blood pressure, stretch the back body along with the hamstrings and glutes. This particular variation is great since it can allow you to go even deeper into your forward bend, massaging the organs. This asana can be contraindicated if your have a posterior herniated disc, or low blood pressure. As always, if it doesn’t feel right, listen to your body and skip it.

To begin, line the short edge of your mat with the wall (if using one). Face the wall and start to hinge from the hips, folding into your legs. If your hamstrings are tight -bend your knees. Let the head go, connect your feet to the ground. Even the weight out on your feet (the tendency is to have the heels of the feet more grounded than the balls). Lift and separate the sitting bones. Take several deep, full breaths here before moving on.

Stay folded forward as you walk to the wall slowly. Once your spine touches the wall, inch your feet closer to the wall until you reach your internal edge, not forcing to go anywhere past this point. Re-establish the alignment points above. This time the weight on your feet will most likely be in the balls, so even it out by rooting your heels deeper into the earth. Breathe deeply here for 8-10 breath cycles.

To come out of the pose, which can feel very disorienting, walk away from the wall carefully. Make sure you are far away enough so you don’t hit your head on the way up! Roll yourself up to stand, stacking one vertebra on top of the next until you are fully upright.

Experience this deep sense of letting go.