This asana is more challenging than it looks. Besides the hamstring and hip flexibility needed, your core gets a surprising workout as it requires much effort to stay stable in this pose. Give it a try!

It is beneficial to begin warming your body up with some sun salutations, as well as some standing poses to prepare the hamstrings and hips for the deep opening necessary for this posture. (Think warrior 2, triangle pose, standing forward fold)

  1. Lie down on your right side. Line up your body exactly parallel with the long edge of your mat. Bend your right elbow and prop your head up in your right palm.
  2. Bend your left knee and catch hold of the outer edge of the left foot. (alternatively you can yoga toe lock the left big toe instead- shown here). Press strongly through the foot of the base leg.
  3. Straighten the left leg, sole of the foot towards the ceiling. Hold for several breaths, remembering to keep your body elongated in a straight line. Repeat on the second side.

Don’t be shy about using props in this pose. A yoga strap held in the right hand can be looped around the left foot instead.