Mediation is an invaluable practice. The beauty of it is it doesn’t have to ‘work’.  Just the act of trying will benefit you.  Nothing specific has to happen to receive its benefits which include lowering our stress levels and strengthening our immune functioning.   Meditating is healthy for our body as well as our brain.  It is a natural ‘next step’ after establishing a physical (asana) practice.   Our body physically has the ability to sit without discomfort and our mind is less full of chatter.

It’s helpful to begin meditating around sleep. Meaning first thing in the morning upon awakening, or prior to going to sleep at night. (I find the morning to be more natural). Find a quiet place to sit comfortably. You can sit/lean against a wall if sitting upright unassisted is uncomfortable or too distracting.

To help initially quiet the mind, try a breathing (pranayama) technique such as alternate nostril breathing or nadi shodhana. (see link to a previous newsletter of mine to learn more about this breathing practice:   If this specific breath practice doesn’t work for you, just breathe slowly in and out of your nose.  Some people discover that counting silently to 4 or 6 for example, on the inhale and on the exhale, is more sustainable.     It really doesn’t matter which you choose, it just has to work for you.

After your formal breath practice, simply let your breath go natural (don’t try to control or change it in any way) and just observe. With your mind’s eye, watch the breath enter and leave your body. Pay attention to how your breath physically moves your body. Notice any other subtle sensations that arise. The idea is to stay detached from what you do notice. If your mind drifts away, just bring it back to the breath.

This is just one mediation technique of many. If it’s not for you, experiment and try a different type. Make time to sit daily. I’d love for you to share how it’s going for you.